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Baltimore Roofing, MD

Busy Bee provides homeowners in Baltimore with Roofing and Home Improvement services -- Baltimore Roofing.

Baltimore Roofing Master

Roof staining is becoming more of a problem here with Baltimore roofing. The bluegreen algae that gets a black crust is more popular in places like Florida but here in our climate it does quite well. If you want the shingles to look new for the life of the roof, upgrade to Zink or copper strips along the roof. This metal deposits oxidation after rain events that the algae can’t tolerate. Some suggest that this will also work with Liken in Maryland...

Mon - Sat 8am-9pm

(410) 488-0800
Baltimore Roofing Area
MHIC 6082
Busy Bee Contractors ©
(877) Busy Bee
Toll Free in Maryland