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Catonsville Roofing, MD

Busy Bee provides homeowners in Catonsville with Roofing and Home Improvement services.

Master Catonsville Roofing

International building code suggests that when singles are cut back in valleys there should be 12 inch overlap and nails should be 6 inches from the edge. Even with that said, shingle should have sealant under the cut edge to prevent driving rain or other conditions causing water to back up. A lot of water collects on your roof during a heavy rain and water will start to travel sideways instead of straight down. When not sealed, we have found that even nails 6 inches back from the valley will be rusty in 10 years. Most of our roofs are done with the cut back valleys....

Mon - Sat 8am-9pm

(410) 488-0800
Baltimore Catonsville Roofing Area
MHIC 6082
Busy Bee Contractors ©
(877) Busy Bee
Toll Free in Maryland